Since Version 1.3 a Networker web access must be authorized with username and password. Three different user accounts are differentiated:
- Administrator (Standard username: admin, Password: admin). This user is allowed to do everything (including user administration).
- User (Standard username: user, Password: user). This user has read only access to the start page; blinking, restarting and shutting down Networker is also allowed. Also the GPIO page can be accessed, control of IOs is possible, but not the direction. This account can be deactivated by administrator.
- Guest (Standard username: guest, Password: guest) Guest has read only access to the start and GPIO pages. This account can be deactivated by administrator.
Do not forget to alter usernames and passwords in the user administration dialog!
Reset to factory settings
The factory settings are:
- IP mode is set to "automatic" (DHCP)
- Manual IP address is set to
- Manual subnet mask is set to
- Manual gateway is set to
- Language of the webinterface is English.
- Network name (.local domain) is set to neXXYYZZ. XXYYZZ are the last three bytes of the MAC address.
- Username and password of the adminstrator will be reset to admin and admin.
- Username and password of the normal user will be reset to user and user.
- Username and password of the guest will be reset to guest and guest.
- The IO mode will be set to "GPIO only".
- All Networker pins are configured as inputs.
- The GPIO server is listening on port 65000.
- The serial server is configured for port 64000.
- UART is set to 19200 baud.
- SPI is configured for 10.4 MHz, Mode 0, sample in the middle.
- I2C is configured for 100kHz.
Usually the Networker can be reset to factory settings via the start page of the webinterface. If the administrator password is lost or the IP settings are wrong, Networker is not configurable nor updateable anymore. In that case the Networker configuration can be reset to factory settings directly at the Networker hardware. The PGD pad should be pulled down with a resistor (1K) to ground during a Networker restart. As soon as Networker "hangs" (means does nothing) the installed resistor should be removed. If Networker starts flashing the network jack LEDs the reset was successful. Afterwards a restart is performed.
The firmware is constantly under development. New features arrive and bugs will be fixed. The releases are published here as intel hex files:
- Version 1.4 base Build 198 (Release 2011-11-10)
- Version 1.3 Build 132 (Release 2011-04-25)
- Version 1.3 Build 129 (Release 2011-04-13)
- Version 1.3 Build 128 (Release 2011-03-15)
- Version 1.3 Build 122 (Release 2011-02-22)
- Version 1.2 Build 103 (Release 2011-01-08)
- Version 1.1 Build 83 (Elektor-Release 2010-11-02)
The Networker web interface is available in English, too.
Updates in operation mode
The update is done with a PC via the network. The hex file should be stored to hard disk before. The file is transfered to the Networker via tftp. For the update therefore a tftp client is needed. At the most operating systems such a client is included.
Since Version 1.3 the Firmware update has to be explicitly activated via the Networker web interface (logged in as administrator). This eliminates a potential security risk of Networker. In the common settings a radio group can be found:
The file is transfered to Networker with the TFTP PUT command. Networker is accessed via the current IP address or the network name. Example for a tftp command in a shell box under Windows:
Networker goes into the update mode automatically and the file is transfered. A running transfer is indicated through the network activity LED, which is emitting for about 20 seconds. After the transfer has finished successfully the tftp client prints out that message:
Updates in bootloader mode
The bootloader mode is active for aprox. 2 seconds after power on. After this time Networker enters the operation mode. The active mode is indicated due the fast blinking network LED. In bootloader mode Networker has the fixed IP address and MAC address 00-04-A3-00-00-00. Updating only works if this IP address is not already occupied. The updating process works analog to the update in operation mode.
Important: Only one Networker is allowed to be in Bootloader mode when starting the update.
Networker IO
Here is a short overview over the 13 available pins of Networker.
Networker Name | PIC Pin | Maximum output current | Maximum input voltage | Description |
SPI_INT | RC2 | 25 mA | 5.5 V | Interrupt pin of the SPI module (only used in SPI slave mode) - PWM output |
SPI_CLK | RC3 | 25 mA | 5.5 V | Clock line of the SPI module |
SPI_MI | RC4 | 25 mA | 5.5 V | Data input of the SPI module |
SPI_MO | RC5 | 25 mA | 5.5 V | Data output of the SPI module |
SPI_CS | RF7 | 2 mA | 5.5 V | Select line of the SPI module (only used in SPI slave mode) |
RX | RC7 | 25 mA | 5.5 V | UART Receive line |
TX | RC6 | 25 mA | 5.5 V | UART Transmit line |
IO0 | RB0 | 25 mA | 5.5 V | Interrupt input |
IO1 | RB1 | 25 mA | 5.5 V | Interrupt input |
IO2 | RB2 | 25 mA | 5.5 V | Interrupt input |
IO3 | RD1 | 8 mA | 5.5 V | PWM output |
IO4 | RA2 | 2 mA | 3.3 V | ADC input |
IO5 | RA3 | 2 mA | 3.3 V | ADC input |
A detailed manual is printed in the Elektor journal of December. Elektor has uploaded a project website, there the articel also can be bought online: Link
Networker Website
On the Networker websites common settings can be done and informations can be requested. For a first try this websites were mirrored to this project pages (from the latest release, logged in as administrator). Here is the link to the website: Link