adc.c | Implementation of ADC conversion |
adc.h | API for analog channel access |
appl.c | This file implements the Netzer application module |
appl.h | This file includes the Netzer application module API |
ARP.c | Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Client and Server Module for Microchip TCP/IP Stack |
ARP.h | ARP Module Defs for Microchip TCP/IP Stack |
auth.c | The web authentication module implementation of Netzer |
auth.h | The web authentication module interface of Netzer |
bootup.c | Implementation of the boot process of the Netzer application |
bootup.h | Prototypes for calling the Netzer application boot up and network routines |
Compiler.h | Compiler and hardware specific definitions |
DHCP.c | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Client Module for Microchip TCP/IP Stack |
DHCP.h | DHCP Defs for Microchip TCP/IP Stack |
eeprom.c | Implementation file of the eeprom access (ANSI C part) |
ETH97J60.c | Medium Access Control (MAC) Layer for Microchip PIC18F97J60 family |
ETH97J60.h | Ethernet registers/bits for PIC18F97J60 |
flash.c | Implementation of flash routines |
flash.h | API for accessing the internal flash memory |
GenericTypeDefs.h | Generic Type Definitions |
gpio.c | Implementation of gpio access |
gpio.h | API for GPIO (digital IO) access |
helper.h | API for misc helper functions |
Helpers.c | Helper Functions for Microchip TCP/IP Stack |
Helpers.h | Helper Function Defs for Microchip TCP/IP Stack |
HTTP2.c | HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Server Module for Microchip TCP/IP Stack |
HTTP2.h | HTTP definitions on Microchip TCP/IP Stack |
HTTPPrint.h | Provides callback headers and resolution for the web interface |
i2c.c | Implementation of the I2C communication stuff |
i2c.h | API for serial communication via I2C |
ICMP.c | Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Server Module for Microchip TCP/IP Stack |
ICMP.h | ICMP Module Defs for Microchip TCP/IP Stack |
io.c | Implementation of the common io application stuff |
IP.c | Internet Protocol (IP) Version 4 Communications Layer Module for Microchip TCP/IP Stack |
IP.h | IP Defs for Microchip TCP/IP Stack |
MAC.h | MAC Module Defs for Microchip Stack |
main.c | This file includes the main entry function |
main.h | This file includes some defines for main.c and also the fuse settings for the PIC |
mdns.c | Multicast Domain Name System (MDNS) implementation file for the Netzer application |
mdns.h | MDNS Client Module Header file for the application |
MPFS2.c | Microchip File System (MPFS) File Access API |
MPFS2.h | MPFS Defines and prototypes for Microchip File System |
MPFSImg.c | Defines an MPFS2 image to be stored in program memory |
netzerTypedefs.h | Defines common typedefs for use in Netzer projects |
projectdefs.h | Some project related defines and typedefs for the NetzerIO project |
projectIRQ.asm | This file extends low and high priority interrupts in a very efficient and small footprint manner | | This file extends the low priority interrupt hook to call some IO routines (for example filter timer and serial stubs) |
Reboot.c | Module for Microchip TCP/IP Stack
- Remotely resets the PIC
- Reference: Internet Bootloader documentation
Reboot.h | Reboot Server Module Header |
serial.c | Implementation of the serial communication stuff |
serial.h | API for serial communication via UART or SPI |
StackTsk.c | TCP/IP Stack Manager Module for Microchip TCP/IP Stack |
StackTsk.h | Microchip TCP/IP Stack Definitions |
stringtable.c | This file implements the string tables for multi language support |
stringtable.h | This file includes the Netzer string table defines and API |
TCP.c | Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Communications Layer |
TCP.h | TCP Module Defs for Microchip TCP/IP Stack |
TCPIP.h | Microchip TCP/IP Stack Include File |
TCPIPConfig.h | Microchip TCP/IP Stack Application Configuration Header |
Tick.c | Tick Manager for Timekeeping |
Tick.h | Tick Manager for PIC18 |
time.h | API fo using the time module |
timer.asm | This file handles the low priority interrupt and the tick counter |
toa.h | API fo using the assembler conversion routines |
UDP.c | User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Communications Layer Server Module for Microchip TCP/IP Stack |
UDP.h | UDP Module Defs for Microchip TCP/IP Stack |
UNIO.c | Implementation of the UNIO protocol |
UNIO.h | API for accessing the UNIO protocol |
web.c | The integrated web interface implementation of Netzer |
web.h | Web interface module defines and global function prototypes for Netzer |
webio.c | Implementation of the web io stuff |